At her 1 year doctor appointment we were told her language and intelligence level was at about 18-24 months. We were so proud! The doctor said that reading to her early and often has definitely played a part in her development. She is enthralled with books, and can't get enough reading time.
Words she can say:
Quack Quack
Hi (her favorite)
Got it
Of course most of them you have to know what she is saying, but I still think it counts! The shots were absolutely horrible at the 1 year appointment! Daphni screamed and cried, and I was sobbing too. Nothing is worse than having to hold your little one down while they are in pain and confused about what is going on! I hated it. They said these were the worst ones, so hopefully things get better.
For her first birthday we went to the Living Planet Aquarium. We had been there before, and she loves it. Her favorite are the otters. She got a cute little turtle that she loves to this day. We also took her to the library for the first time. I thought she was going to explode! She could not believe how many books there were and she was going crazy wanting to touch them all. She was like screaming with glee the whole time.
We have both learned so much in this past short year of being parents. The most profound thing I have learned is how unique we all are. Not only are we purely individuals in everything from eye color to what our first word is, but our relationships are so intricate and unique! I know what is right for my daughter, and it may not be what is right for another mommy daughter duo. Whether you nurse or bottle feed, or believe strongly in cry-it-out methods or believe in rocking your little one until they are sound asleep, maybe you love sharing your bed with your little one while others may cringe - what ever is best for you and baby is exactly that--- it is what is best!! I have learned that rarely does advice from other moms help because of this uniqueness, but it is always nice to know you aren't alone.
Everyday I love this little angel more and more. Some nights it almost hurts to go to sleep, knowing I won't see her until morning. She is such a bright little sunshine, and I'm glad she is mine!!
Love, Love, the pictures! What an amazing road you have been on and what many more adventures to come. Love you guys!!